Ted Deutch tweeted the following:
"This lack of transparency is deeply troubling.reuters.com/world/middle-e This is part of an ongoing pattern of deception & duplicitous behavior."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Ted Deutch:
"DG Grossi recently raised extreme concerns about Iran's continuous delay in providing the necessary information to the IAEA after the org identified traces of uranium at three old yet previously undeclared nuclear sites in Iran."Read on Twitter
"A new report this week revealed Iran used confidential IAEA reports to prepare cover stories for top Iranian officials and to misdirect & evade IAEA investigations into its nuclear program in the early 2000s.wsj.com/articles/iran-"Read on Twitter"Read on Twitter
"Iran has consistently & clearly undermined the IAEA's work and mission for decades by stonewalling & obstructing the IAEAs attempts to monitor and investigate Irans nuclear program."Read on Twitter