Ted Deutch tweeted the following:
"The intl community must also address Irans blatant disregard for the IAEA & its investigations, which undermines the IAEA's mission and weakens the global nuclear non-proliferation movement."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Ted Deutch:
"Of course, addressing Irans stockpile of 60% enriched uranium and its ongoing enrichment program must and continues to be a top priority for the United States and the international community. We must ensure that Iran is never able to acquire a nuclear weapon."Read on Twitter
"DG Grossis recent comment that the IAEA is at very difficult juncture with Iran underscores the situations extreme urgency, especially with DG Grossis upcoming report on Iran & the IAEA BoG meeting in June. reuters.com/world/middle-e"Read on Twitter"Read on Twitter
"DG Grossi recently raised extreme concerns about Iran's continuous delay in providing the necessary information to the IAEA after the org identified traces of uranium at three old yet previously undeclared nuclear sites in Iran."Read on Twitter