Ted Deutch tweeted the following:
"Please read the names and let your heart break over the beauty America lost this week in Uvalde. expressnews.com/projects/2022/"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Ted Deutch:
"When will it end?When we learn to love our children more then we love our guns.Please read this powerful editorial from the South Florida @SunSentinel. sun-sentinel.com/opinion/editor" on May 25Read on Twitter
"Why does anyone need to fire 30 rounds at one time? Its time to ban high-capacity magazines. twitter.com/dianneg/status" on May 25Read on Twitter
"Weapons of war do not belong in our communities. And an 18 year-old should not be allowed to buy ARs at all. If Florida can require you to be 21 to buy any firearm, the country should do the same. twitter.com/dianneg/status" on May 25Read on Twitter