"Last night I was honored receive the inaugural Robert Levinson Excellence in Government Service award from@JamesFoleyFund.Being part of this event w/ individuals like Dexter Filkins, Eliza Griswold, Mohamed Soltan, my colleagues & the Levinsons is a moment l'll always cherish"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Ted Deutch:
"Bob himself was a dedicated public servant, and while I never had the privilege of meeting Bob, I have thought of him every day since I took office.I'm grateful for the work of former hostages and families like the Levinsons for their efforts to fight for human freedom."Read on Twitter"Read on Twitter
"A day after Israels Remembrance Day, a terror attack claimed 3 more lives, with 4 more wounded. In less than seven weeks, terrorists have struck in Tel Aviv, Bnei Brak, Hadera, Beer Sheva & now Elad. America has stood w/ with Israel for 74 years. Today more than ever. twitter.com/wsj/status/152"Read on Twitter
"The US relationship with our strong and secure ally continues to grow and deepen each day. I am proud to stand with friends and supporters of Israel in Congress and around the world in celebrating 74 years of Israels Independence! (4/4)"Read on Twitter