Ted Deutch tweeted the following:
"I echo @SecBlinken's condemnation of the Burma military regime's unjust execution of pro-democracy activists & elected leaders.I support the people of Burma in their efforts to restore democracy & pursue justice and accountability for the violence committed by Burmas military. twitter.com/secblinken/sta"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Ted Deutch:
"This decision is particularly egregious after DG Grossi described Iran's nuclear program as "galloping ahead" & said in June that the IAEA would lose its understanding of the state of Iran's program if the cameras werent restored in 3 or 4 weeks, a window that has since passed." on July 26Read on Twitter
"Moreover, Iran also just declared that it will not answer the IAEAs outstanding questions about uranium particles found at undeclared nuclear sites in Iran, directly contradicting the censure resolution that was overwhelmingly passed by the IAEA Board of Governors last month." on July 26Read on Twitter
"These announcements reflect Irans dangerously escalatory nuclear behavior. I'm glad the US commitment to ensure that Iran will never acquire a nuclear weapon was strengthened by the Jerusalem Declaration & I urge continued action w/partners to ensure this commitment is realized." on July 26Read on Twitter