The amount paid for property taxes on this property in 2018 was $38,994, 0.65% of the sale price of the home.
This property is one of 31 sales so far in Boca Raton in March 2022.
According to the Florida Secretary of State, Robert M Merson has been registered to vote since 1989. Arlene D. Merson has been registered to vote since 1989.
The Florida Secretary of State data shows that there were 65 registered voters residing at 400 S.E. Fifth Ave. PH3 as of Oct. 10, 2020: Phyllis Marian Gladstein, 81, Stephen Alan Sadek, 75, Sharon Beth Sadek, 75, Gary S. Gladstein, 77, Alvin Katz, 96, Phyllis Katz, 90, Michael Gordon King, 34, Luis A. Cancio, 82, Armand Charles Dellovade, 84, Kate R. McClure, 52, Eugene Shalik, 69, Adele R. Shalik, 65, Erica P. Shalik, 34, Richard Greene, 73, Susan F. Greene, 72, Marc David Scherr, 64, Mike Solnik, 74, Esther B. Solnik, 72, Maxwell Lee Haddad, 34, Paul Hochhauser, 83, Judith L. Hochhauser, 78, Mitchell J. Stern, 65, Kim Paula Stern, 66, John Grassia, 76, Robert Charles Russel, 79, Irene Sophie Russel, 77, Howard Scott Goldsmith, 75, Maud Butler Clarence, 66, Marjorie Wendy Blum, 66, Roberta Korn Rinzler, 86, Richard Brock, 94, Jacob Daniel Appelbaum, 22, Gordon H. Heaver, 98, Michael Justin Shalik, 38, Janet Felice Sargeant, 86, Grace A. Crevello, 80, Nicholas D. Crevello, 83, Harry Sargeant, 87, Linda A. Brodie, 76, Nancy Linda King, 70, Rhea F. Hallinan, 75, Charles M. Hallinan, 81, Seymour Ginsberg, 90, Sandra S. Ginsberg, 86, Jennifer C. Solnik, 41, Carol Ann Friedman, 76, Leonard Friedman, 84, Gloria A. Sophia, 79, Karen Bennetts Archer, 85, Norton Herrick, 83, Angelina Seta, 94, Murray P. Berger, 96, Hadley J. Alley, 65, Suzanne Christine Bianchi, 67, Robert M Merson, 83, Arlene D. Merson, 81, Kristin Archer Alley, 56, Calvin C. Haddad, 78, Babette Haddad, 74, Julian Rubinstein, 60, Elayne S. Herrick, 79, Ann Sommer, 80, Richard S. Sommer, 80, Don Brodie, 75, and Kiril Sokoloff, 74.
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