602 W. Santa Catalina CircleNorth of McNab Road$265,000Buyer: Pierline and Jean Elie PierreSeller: Antoinique Owens
6472 S.W. Eighth CourtNorth of McNab Road$360,000Buyer: Maxener Saint-Elus and Sine Jaline Saint-ElusSeller: Zillow Homes Property (trust)
6031 Shakerwood Circle$109,900Buyer: Pyr Enterprises LLCSeller: Onyx Partners LLC
149 San Remo Blvd.North of McNab Road$260,000Buyer: Arden Nathalie Raikes and Donnovan St. Aubyn KerrSeller: Sherman and Vernica Fletcher
6911 S.W. Seventh PlaceNorth of McNab Road$380,000Buyer: Casterin Castillo and Johnnie L. HallSeller: Arthur R. and Pauline C. Dennis
6020 N.W. 64th Ave.$100,000Buyer: Yves Deshaies and Brigitte CarmelSeller: Carmen Reza (revocable trust)
207 S. Santa Catalina CircleNorth of McNab Road$61,825Buyer: Aameel A. MohammedSeller: Alimudeen and Nazma Mohammed
7176 Sportsmans DriveSouth of McNab Road$245,000Buyer: Tannar Pope and Annanda PintoSeller: Andrae M Bell
1500 S.W. 67th Ave.South of McNab Road$397,750Buyer: Joseph and Pedro TorresSeller: KHI V. & Xuan N. Thai (revocable living trust)
120 San Remo Blvd.North of McNab Road$250,000Buyer: Karen Callender and Betty ReynoldsSeller: Onyx Enterprises LLC
7911 S.W. 10th St.$520,000Buyer: Broward Capital LLCSeller: Singh Kaimraj R.
6472 S.W. 10th CourtNorth of McNab Road$400,000Buyer: Silvia D MacCariSeller: Carter Kellar and Sherika Luces
7960 S.W. 10th Court$252,000Buyer: 7960 LLCSeller: Willie J. McKay
7436 S.W. 14th PlaceNorth of McNab Road$56,000Buyer: Douglas C. and Alverene ArjunSeller: Rudolph V. and Douglas C. and Alverene Arjun
1846 Runners WaySouth of McNab Road$250,000Buyer: Shana HaylesSeller: Kenny Roberto Aguilar
8442 S. Coral CircleSouth of McNab Road$275,000Buyer: David Berrios and Marjorie Jaramillo SanchezSeller: Camille Berrios and Carmen L Amadeo Torres
6281 S.W. 19th St.South of McNab Road$270,000Buyer: Rose Marie Christolet and Shirley AdrienSeller: Saint Victor Sinatus and St. Victor Sinatus
1704 Belmont LaneSouth of McNab Road$160,000Buyer: Fauchon Investments LLCSeller: Rocy LLC
612 S.W. 80th TerraceNorth of McNab Road$220,000Buyer: Keden R Fuller and Tory D ChestnutSeller: Juan Thompson