
North Broward News

Friday, March 14, 2025

Full Closure of Federal Highway/US-1 just south of Young Circle


City of Hollywood recently issued the following announcement.

Federal Highway/US-1 will be fully closed to vehicular traffic between Van Buren Street and Young Circle beginning at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 2nd through Wednesday, October 6th.  A full closure of Van Buren Street just east of US-1 will also be in place. The road closure will allow for the controlled demolition of the Bread Building.

Detours and message boards will be in-place routing motorists around the closure and construction zone. Those traveling north on US-1 will be directed to 21st Avenue and those traveling south on US-1 will be directed to Dixie Highway. Motorists are advised to seek an alternate route to avoid delays. 

The tearing-down of the building is expected to take place continuously throughout all five days until the building has been completely demolished. Inclement weather and unforeseen utility conflicts may alter this planned construction schedule.

Original source can be found here.